1. Please post in relevant sections. Posting in wrong section more then twice will get an warning.
2. Information is crucial so always add it to Your post (screenshots, if available, as well).
3. All links within your post must be coded internal and external links.
4. All Requests must be in appropriate section.
5. You must comply with all of the rules above while using PM, Avatar, Signature functions.
6. While Posting make sure all Information is Intact and in the Center to display Professionalism.
7. Avoid Spam. If found spamming account will be suspended After 1 Notice.
8. Once registered the member should be active and should visit often. If account found Inactive for more than a week it will be blocked for another week and then suspended or deleted.
FULL4DL staff reserves the right to edit/modify/remove any post at any time with or without notice.
A maximum of 3 warnings can be given to a member of this forum. These can be earned by breaking any of the above rules. After the 3rd warning given, Your account will be banned automatically, When You are banned, You cannot come back anymore! If You redeem yourself, You will lose the warnings through time.
How to become a staff member:
*Help around the community, be active, participate in competitions and discussions.
*Keep Posting Regularly with Working Links
*Report posts when you see if its breaking any rules.
*Do not ask anyone of the staff if you can become a moderator/admin/super moderator. If we think you are doing great and will need more staff we will contact You.
How to become a Moderator or Super Moderator:
* Members who will post regularly would be given a chance of being a moderator. This also includes the behavior, activeness, willingness of that member towards our Website.
* Below attached is a screenshot of what are the levels that one can achive by helping Ray4u.
Warning System:
#1 Members who disobey the rules will be warned or banned depending on what the moderator believes is the appropriate punishment.
#2 Members can be warned a maximum of three times. On the third the member will be immediately banned. This does not mean that you have to have a warning to get banned, moderators may ban you without warnings depending on the offense.
#3 A warning can have a time bomb unless you're banned. If a time bomb is set, your warning will automatically expire after a certain number of days.
We appreciate the time You took to read The Board Rules. Enjoy Your stay here at Ray4u